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Technical conditions

Terms and conditions concerning the Domain Name

Terms and conditions concerning the Registration and Maintenance of the Domain Name:

  1. The Domain Name may be registered and maintained in the .pl Domain as a top level domain and the second level domains, e.g. .com.pl, .waw.pl, specified at the NASK's Website.

  2. The Domain Name may consist exclusively of the following characters: Latin alphabet letters, digits and character "-".

  3. The character "-" must not be placed at the beginning of the Domain Name, at the end thereof and on the 3rd and 4th position within the Domain Name concurrently (the only exception allowed is the Domain names with "xn--" prefix).

  4. The Domain Name may consist of up to 63 characters excluding the characters of .pl Domain or second level domains,
    e.g. .com.pl, .waw.pl.

  5. The size of letters in the Domain Name is of no significance for the maintenance of the Domain Name.

  6. The Tenderer or the Subscriber is obliged to provide: the Domain Name, the Tenderer's or Subscriber's identification data , at least two servers intended to maintain the Domain Name. For one Domain Name only the data of one Subscriber may be specified.

  7. The assignment of rights of the Subscriber under the Agreement may be effected only with simultaneous assignment of obligations resulting therefrom, in particular in case of Change of the Subscriber.

Terms and conditions concerning the Change of the Delegation of the Domain Name:

  1. The Change of Delegation may only be performed by the Partner, according to the procedure specified by the said Partner. Information concerning the entity that maintains given Domain Name may be found in the base WHOIS.

  2. NASK may not perform any change unless the Domain Name Servers are configured and are intended to maintain the Domain Name as specified in the Change of Delegation. The technical conditions of the change have been precisely specified in a separate Agreement, concluded between NASK and the Partner.

  3. NASK, within the frames of the procedure of Change of Delegation, shall implement the DS records, handed over through the Partner, to the zones managed by NASK.

Terms and Conditions on the change of the Partner for which NASK is providing the Administrative and Technical Service:

  1. The change of the Partner for which NASK is providing the Administrative and Technical Service requires the participation of the Subscriber.

  2. The Subscriber shall hold the so called Authinfo, i.e. a code authorizing the change of the Partner for other Partner in NASK's systems. The Subscriber shall obtain Authinfo from the current Partner and hand it over to the chosen Partner. In case of active .pl Registry Lock* it is necessary for the subscriber to deactivate it through a current Partner.

  3. The chosen Partner, after receiving the Authinfo code, shall initiate in the NASK system the change of the Partner to be confirmed by the Subscriber proceeding pursuant to the instruction received by e-mail. Giving consent, referred to in Article 11 of the Regulations, shall be effected with the moment of confirmation, described in the preceding sentence.

  4. If the agreement on co-operation concerning the Administrative and Technical Service with the Partner, which has been given a consent by the Subscriber, has been terminated or expired and the Subscriber does not hold the Authinfo code, the Subscriber, proceeding pursuant to the instruction received by e-mail, shall designate the Partner to whom he/she wishes to give consent. NASK shall hand over the Authinfo code to the designated Partner. To complete the change of the Partner the actions of the Partner and the Subscriber, described in Article 3, shall be required.

* More information on .pl Registry Lock you will find on this website.